Life & Health Coaching and support for women, entering and in, their perimenopausal years.

There’s something for every woman: Personalized life and/or fitness coaching, in-person and online membership, courses, events and a podcast!

Hi! I’m Chris. I help women gain confidence and structure; build a healthy, open, and clear mindset, and create habits to reduce stress and overwhelm, and nurture their body and mind. You can achieve your dreams with support and by taking small, intentional steps towards your big goals!

Do you ever feel like life is… A LOT, but it’s up to you to just keep on keeping on? Our bodies change, we might feel overwhelmed, anxious, or stressed, and that we’re holding more balls in the air than we know how to juggle! It can even feel lonely although we’re surrounded by people. I get that.

Life is a fun and bumpy road. We get to experience all the things and figure out who we are along the way. I often haven’t felt supported despite people’s intentions and sometimes I didn’t know where to turn because I wasn’t sure I even knew what I needed. Ever feel that?

You don’t have to “suck it up,” or feel miserable, unhappy, or uncomfortable in your own body.

That’s why I’ve created a community to nurture women’s minds and bodies - click here to join the Women’s Health Collective!

When I was 42, seemingly out of nowhere, my body started to act up. It confused me. I was experiencing insomnia, mood swings (sometimes extreme!) and… could this be arthritic pain?! Then came tummy weight I couldn’t shed. And I had such low motivation. My life hadn’t changed, but my body was, and I had no idea why. I felt anxious, alone, and disconnected.

I don’t want any other woman to feel that way, which is why I coach and created a new community for women to feel supported and heard and seen. Join the Women's Health Collective to experience real, live community connection and a portal of mindset and fitness resources, plus 1:1 support from me:

Every month
Every year

Join the Women's Health Collective to experience real, live community connection and a portal of mindset and fitness resources, plus 1:1 support from me!

✓ Quarterly 1:1 with Chris
✓ Monthly Group Calls & Recordings
✓ Health & Fitness Resources
✓ Perimenopause Portal
✓ Bonus: Welcome 1:1 Session with Chris ($250 value)

Why did I decide to become certified as a Life Coach, Health Coach, Functional Nutrition Counselor, and Group and Personal Fitness Trainer?

Over a decade ago, I began experiencing this icky buzzing. I pushed it aside (for years) until one day, it pushed back harder. I felt like I was missing the point of my life. My wheels were spinning fast, but I felt like I was going nowhere. My life probably looked good to outsiders, but I was anxious and restless. I kind of felt like I was just floating along without a whole lot of purpose and joy.

"I've got things I want to do!" I shouted at the sky. Things I need to do.

Most of all, I wanted to feel... better.

But when I thought about HOW to start feeling better, I was completely overwhelmed. I bought a gazillion self-help books, took course after course (abandoned most), and binged on podcasts, desperately soaking up all the self-help, motivational, and entrepreneurial teachings I could find. I was desperate to feel more purposeful, more content, more valued, and more of a contributor. Yet, I failed to move forward. I was consuming knowledge, but knowledge isn't DOING.

I needed to take actions that yielded real results, not just throw darts, hope, and dream that I'd get off the hamster wheel. Then I stumbled upon life coaching. It was game-changing. I felt empowered. I gained control of my life — of my feelings, actions, and thoughts. I learned how to get out of my head and out of my own way. I learned to forgive and move forward. I applied seemingly small strategies and saw real results in my life. Happier. Motivated. Capable. Confident.

I began steering my ship instead of floating with no motor or oars. I became better at handling the things life throws at me. With all my heart, I knew I needed to help others find and feel the same.


I coach because I was my ideal client. I still am, because life is in motion, challenges will always arise, and… I'm human.

Many people don't know what a life coach is, or think you must be "broken" to need one. Nope! Whether it’s mind or body, or a little of both that you want to work on, I can help.

As your coach, I help you face your fears and challenges (ones you know about and some you didn't realize were there) and help you create strategies to confidently get the goals, build the life, or become the person you want.

Nothing has to be “wrong.” You may know specific changes you want to make to feel better or achieve a goal but need support and accountability. Or, perhaps you're ready to "level up!" your current state, or maybe you can’t pinpoint what needs shifting but just have that feeling that something wants to change. We figure it out together. I support you on YOUR journey towards feeling A Little Bit Better. We create small steps, that lead to big, lasting changes. A safe space, support, and accountability (sometimes a little tough love) will help get you there. Want to do this?!

If you love listening to real talk and things to make you go “hmmm…,” check out my podcast here, or search for “A Little Bit Better” wherever you get your podcasts.

If you’re curious about what it's like to have me by your side cheering you on, click here!

I help women who feel there's something more, something better, out there for them. They're ready to move past guilt and overwhelm to create the life they know is possible.

If this is you, I’m here to guide you.