Chris Swail Chris Swail

Hormone Panic

Life is full of unshared knowledge, secrets kept on dusty shelves, dismissed as not critical enough to share. Things no one thinks to tell you. The fact that an aging women’s body will slowly (or suddenly) stop producing the vital female-centric hormone, estrogen, that helps keep her internal systems properly functioning, her mind steady, and reduces her risk of comorbidities, is one of those boxed and shelved pieces of information despite it relating to the health of approximately one billion women worldwide.

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Chris Swail Chris Swail

Little Me This

From my small round peephole in the sky I see perfect cul-de-sacs lined with miniature green trees and cubed houses. I watch impossibly tiny cars moving along long, thin, grey strips with painted yellow and white lines. Lights appear and disappear, red, white, yellow.

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